36- Bohning Blazer Tiger Vanes! CUSTOM MIXED BAG! archery arrow fletchings vane
$ 4.21
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BRAND NEW, NEVER USED!!Here are brand new, just in 2" Bohning Blazer vanes!
Pack of 36.
You can mix/match your bag as requested. Choice between Tiger Colors: White/Black, Neon Yellow/Black, Neon Green/Black, Neon Orange/Black, and Pink/Black
NOTE: You MUST let me know your quantity and color preference in a separate email immediately following payment. I CAN NOT ship without that information. Failure to not send email with vane color preference and quantity will result in a late shipment or receiving different colors then desired.
A two inch vane great for use with fixed blade or mechanical broadheads. Helps eliminate interference problems and increases speed. Weighs only 6 grains.
Bohning's revolutionary new Blazer™ Broadhead Vane has changed the way archers think about arrow guidance, especially with fixed-blade broadheads. Most of us have been led to believe that more is better when it comes to our vanes and feathers making our broadheads fly like our field points. The Blazer™ Vane proves that theory wrong by out performing 4 or 5 inch vanes or feathers…and the Blazer™ is only two inches long. HOW CAN THAT BE POSSIBLE? Independent testing shows that while some spin is necessary for accurate flight, too much can cause your arrow to lose speed very rapidly. What is required is a guidance system that will take over and steer the arrow regardless of what the broadhead is doing. The Blazer™, with its unique design begins steering and correcting immediately. The combination of the steep leading edge angle, and material stiffness, enables the air to flow over the vane in a manner that actually creates lift and leaves the tip of each vane inside undisturbed air. This is similar to the drafting principle used in auto racing. This airflow created by the precise leading edge angle allows the tip of each vane to act like a rudder, which is very noticeable at longer distances with the flatter trajectory Blazer™ vanes provide. Just give the Blazer™ a try and you will believe! Weighs 6 grains, .6 inches high.
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